VFC Triage Service


Faced with the dilemma of recovered computer device(s) knowing that most do not contain any information of relevance?

MD5 have a unique service that saves time and cost when forensically investigating recovered IT assets (PCs and laptops) by removing the need to involve expensive Digital Forensic IT experts.

MD5’s VFC Triage service is a solution that allows fraud investigators, insolvency practitioners, forensic accountants and legal teams to quickly identify and focus on devices that warrant investigation for example by removing: items that are out of the time scope, or do not contain the software\applications of interest, or have been used by users not of interest in an investigation. Click here for video 

Where devices that meet the investigation criteria, MD5 will create a Standalone Virtual Machine of each device. This can then be used by the client to access and investigate the desktop, folders, software, financial databases and general data residing on the device without changing the original evidence.

Launching the recovered computer device virtually, but forensically, removes the need for a digital forensic expert. It is as if the original device had been switched on, enabling analysis\investigations to be carried out in the identical familiar computer environment that would had been viewed by the original user.